Thursday, November 27, 2008

Bargain Nintendo DS Lite Defying Generations of Video Game System Manufacturers

nintendo ds liteEntertainment takes its new form. With the development of technology and its integration to various aspects of our lives, traditional entertainment such as theatrical plays and cultural shows is replaced by so-called "electronic entertainment". There you have various digital and animated films that you can watch on movie houses or on your home entertainment system, cable television system (CTS), and the video game system, which is popular not just to young and old gamers alike but also to game developers, merely because of the development of innovative technologies that they can use to improve existing game systems.
The video game system is intended for playing video games, though there are modern game systems like the nintendo ds lite, that allows you to have an access over other forms of entertainment using such game systems (like watching DVD movies, listening to MP3 music files, or surfing the Internet). Thus, it is often referred to as "interactive entertainment computer"; to distinguish the game system from a machine that is used for various functions (such as personal computer and arcade games).

The first generation of video game system started when Magnavox (an electronics company which manufactures televisions, radios, and gramophones or record players) released its first video game system, which is the Magnavox Odyssey designed by Ralph Baer. Odyssey's popularity lasted until the release of Atari’s PONG video games. Magnavox realized that they cannot compete with the popularity of PONG games, thus in 1975 they created the Odyssey 100 video game system that will play Atari-produced PONG games.

The second generation of video game system came a year after the release of Odyssey 100. In 1976, Fairchild released the FVES (Fairchild Video Entertainment System), which made use of a programmable microprocessor so that a game cartridge can hold a single ROM chip to save microprocessor instructions. However, because of the "video game crash"; in 1977, Fairchild abandoned the video game system industry. Magnavox and Atari stayed in the video game industry.

The rebirth of the video game system started when Atari released the popular arcade Space Invaders. The industry was suddenly revived, with many gamers made purchase of an Atari video game system just for Space Invaders. In other words, with the popularity of Space Invaders, Atari dominated the video game industry throughout the 80s.

Video game system's third generation came into being after the release of Nintendo's Famicon in 1983. It supported full color, high resolution, and tiled background gaming system. It was initially launched in Japan and it was later brought to the United States in the form of Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1985. And just like Atari’s Space Invaders, the release of Nintendo's famous Super Mario Brothers was a big success, which completely revived the suffering video game system industry in the early months of 1983.

Sega intended to compete with Nintendo, but they failed to establish substantial market share. It was until 1988 when Sega released the Sega Genesis in Japan on October 29 of the same year and on September 1, 1989 in the United States and Europe territories. Two years later, Nintendo released the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1990.

Atari came back with their new video game system, which is the Jaguar and 3DO. Both systems could display more onscreen colors and the latter made use of a CD instead of game cartridges, making it more powerful compared to Genesis and SNES. Nintendo, on the other hand, opted to release new games such as Donkey Kong Country instead of producing new video game systems. Sega's Vectorman and Virtua Racing followed suit. Several years later, Sony, Sega, and Nintendo released the fifth generation of video game systems (PlayStation, Saturn, and N64, respectively).
The sixth generation of game systems followed, involving Sega (Dreamcast, which was their last video game system and the first Internet-ready game system), Sony (PlayStation 2), Nintendo (Game Cube which is their first system to make use of game CDs), and the newcomer Microsoft (Xbox).

The latest generation of video game systems is now slowly entering the game industry. These are as follows:
  • Microsoft's Xbox,

  • Sony's PlayStation 3,

  • Nintendo DS Lite & Wii
The development of video game system does not end here. There will be future generations of game system being developed as of this moment, which will defy the way we define “entertainment”.

Unfortunately though with the ongoing battle in development between manufacturers and the fact that new technology is constantly providing new opportunities the price of these gaming systems can at times be prohibitive to regular families. It is suggested that you put in some time and effort to shop around to find yourself the best price for your console. If you're looking at a nintendo ds, you can pick up a bargain nintendo ds lite at the Nintendo DS Lite store where they have lots of nintendo ds lite for sale at really competitive prices. Other brands are also available at discount prices so, make sure you compare.

Peter Johnson is a mad, keen gamer. He is the publisher of a website designed to provide affordable gaming opportunities to his customers. Check out his Nintendo DS Lite store and see his range of used nintendo ds for sale.

New or Used Nintendo DS Lite Either Way Its The Best

New or Used Nintendo DS Lite - Either Way It's The Best!

nintendo ds lite storeOne of the more popular innovations that were created during the 70's era is video games. From then on, it became one of the significant forces in the society, being the most renowned leisure pursuit. Some people could still remember the good old days when they played their Colevision, Intellivision, and Atari. Of course, you can be one of those that was been hooked on playing Nintendo and Sega games. Today, some internet websites are even allowing the users for free game downloads.

Some would be asking the question, what is the best video game system? Well, it will depend on your preference. Since one person is different from the other, it is possible that what you like will not suit what others prefer or vice versa. However, it is helpful if you try to study its evolution.

In the late years of the 1970's and the early 1980's, video games are relying more on the graphic movements. However it is considered as either less or more of a solitary pursuit. Moreover, the rise of the internet as well as online games, led to a lot of changes. It includes the ability of downloading games, playing games online, and making video games as a social activity. It is true because you can meet lots of players and opponents all over the world. This is the biggest change and rated as the latest game benefits.

During the early days, video games were called as innovators. Many people assumed that Pong started the history. But the truth is that it was the Odyssey system of Magnavox developed in 1972. It was equipped with 12 simple games having graphic overlays offering a lot of room for improvements. This leads to the development of Pong.

Pong was created by Nolan Bushnell together with the Atari founder, Al Alcorn. It was rumored that the prototype broke down when it was tested in a certain bar at California after two days of operation. So what they did was to create its home version. After one year, Pong was released by Atari having a complete built in speaker and paddles. It became a big success because it represented the new stage in the gaming evolutions. There are almost 60 knock-offs of Pong that was been produced however Atari dominated the market.

The entire video game industry adopted microprocessors on their designs. In this implementation, systems that are more complicated are developed. The new systems are able to produce innovative and groundbreaking auditory and graphical effects that were never seen before. Many consumers have tried these innovations setting the video games industry on fire. It was revealed that in 1981, over 5 billion dollars was solely spent on arcade machines and home game systems. There was even a market crash experienced by most video games systems in 1982, however the VCS/2600 system of Atari remained as a dominant player.

There are various games that were rated as great games. Do you still recall Pac Man? It was the yellow blob who were eating the dots but avoiding the ghosts which looks like a squid. It became a global sensation considering it as the all time biggest game in the world. Then there came the Space Invaders which is also an incredibly popular game. It marks the turning point of arcade games found in populated places such as bars, restaurants, and shops. This became the most renowned all time arcade game focusing on stopping an alien invasion.

Super Mario will never be forgotten as well. It has characters which everyone can relate unto. Thereafter, Metroid, Zelda, and other video game classics were created. Nevertheless, the popularity of Atari became a past glory relic due to a bad decision. They never included the disk drives in their systems.

Everything has been changed in 1984 because of two innovations. The cost of DRAM or Dynamic Ram was greatly reduced allowing more memory, and higher power processors ranging to 8-bits was been produced. It was the new player that entered the console market, Sega.

Another key player was Nintendo produced in Japan. It was the marketing prowess of the Nintendo Company, spending millions on their advertisements hitting more consumers, that allowed it to rise as a market leader then and with their innovative Nintendo DS Lite owning the market in personal gaming consoles. Whilst they are a little expensive to buy new, if you see a used nintendo ds for sale it is well worth checking out. In fact the Nintendo DS Lite store quite often have a Nintendo DS Lite sale running. In addition, the development of Xbox, PlayStation 2, and Gamecube console game systems continue to dominate the market industry.

The evolution in the video game systems will truly help you define the best video game system there is in the market.

Peter Johnson is the creator of the Nintendo Ds Lite Store where you will find new and used nintendo ds lite for sale at the cheapest prices on the internet. Take
your time and browse'll be glad you did.